Fiona Parashar


I moved to Bath from London in 2008, knowing only Helen Donovan (also connected with Bath Women’s Fund and speaking at the event in March). We have loved living here and my children were eight and ten at the time so I’m so happy they went through school here and are now through the other side, just having finished University.

I worked as a Trustee for Penny Brohn Cancer Centre for nine years and that’s where I met Emma Beeston as we served together on that board. So that’s my links with two of the group and I am so looking forward to getting to know the rest of the Bath Women's Fund members.

I started my career in advertising and worked in top international media agencies. But after having my second child, I craved better work life balance. So in 2000, I set up Leadership Coaching, combining my love of people and psychology with my business skills and experience. Leadership Coaching has always been a purpose-led business, not only supporting people’s wellbeing but donating a percentage of our time to pro bono coaching for charities. Having been an active member of WACL (Women in Communications Leaders) for more than twenty years, I’m passionate about accelerating gender equality, paying it forward for younger women or through our partnership with Women for Women, and am also delighted to be a member of Bath Women’s Fund.

I love the countryside and walking and cycling with friends and can often be found journaling in Bath’s coffee shops, when pandemic allows.


Charlotta Martinus


Stephanie Massie